Sexperiment Results: Are orgasms better at night?

Can you believe Lioness users are wrapping up their fifth ever Sexperiment? We’re so excited to see another month gone and another data drop in the books. 

So let’s get into it: are orgasms better at night?

A Quick review of the Lioness community poll & hypotheses 

At the start of August, each Sexplorer was prompted to formulate a hypothesis and vote in a poll before beginning their Sexperiment. 

Community Poll: Do you masturbate before bed?

Believe it or not, only 7% of Lioness sexperimenters said they never masturbate before bed! The remaining 93% reports sometimes and often.

lioness sexperiments community poll

Hypothesis: Masturbating at night will make my orgasms…

Lioness users were given three choices for this hypothesis: Get Better, Stay the Same, or Get Worse. 

Here’s how they voted, with the majority predicting masturbating at night would produce no change in their arousal/orgasm: 

lioness sexperiment night time orgasm hypothesis

The Results: Masturbating at night appears to have made orgasms better

On average, Lioness users rated their pre-bed orgasms at 3.9 stars out of 5, and there was a general increase in both peak orgasmic force and orgasm duration:

  • Whereas baseline sessions registered an average peak force of 60.1 gF and minimum force of 36.7 gF, sessions before bed registered an average peak of 68.30 gF and minimum of 35.1 gF. 
  • The average orgasm length increasedto 49 seconds (compared to 32 seconds in baseline sessions.
orgasm length and session length comparison

This Sexperiment also gave the following results:: 

  • The average time to orgasmincreasedto 8 min 4 secs (compared to 5 min 44 secs in baseline sessions)
  • Overall average session lengthincreasedto 11 min 36 seconds (compared to 7 min 48 secs in sessions without socks)
baseline sessions versus bed time sessions

The Conclusion: Try an orgasm before bed 

If you’re looking for longer sessions and longer orgasms, masturbating before bed may just do the trick! So next time you do your skincare and brush, consider cozying up with your favorite vibrator before drifting off into dreamland. 

See our other Sexperiments here and join the Pride doing it for science! 

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