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Literally *see* your orgasms with the Lioness Smart Vibrator

Curious about how the Lioness Smart Vibrator works? Read this quick overview on how to explore the app and play with Lioness' orgasm sensing technology right now.

How to login to the demo account

And see sample masturbation data from real sessions

Check out the Lioness app on your phone.

On the login screen, tap above "Good Vibes" and you'll see a button appear that says "Demo." Click the button to enter the demo account.

The charts you'll see are real masturbation sessions from volunteers who have shared their data for demonstration purposes. As you can see, people's experiences can be quite different from person to person, and even from session to session.

Lioness app  - Welcome to Lioness - login/create account Lioness app  - Welcome to Lioness - login/create account

How Lioness' precision sensor technology works

Use the Live View feature in the app to see how Lioness' sensors work! Watch the video to go to Live View, and then squeeze the sensors (the little bumps on the sides of the vibrator) to see the circle pulsate on the app depending on how hard you are squeezing.

In a real masturbation session, your pelvic floor moves in a variety of different motions and patterns that can indicate different levels of arousal and orgasm.

Watch the video and follow the steps to turn on Live View.

What's this data I'm seeing?

The charts are real masturbation sessions from volunteers who have shared their data for demonstration purposes. As you can see, people's experiences can be quite different from person to person, and even from session to session.

The chart data you see is force data from pelvic floor squeezing and relaxation. Different motions and patterns can indicate arousal and orgasm.

Some people have orgasms that are rapid spurts of movement that look like an ocean wave.

Ocean Wave Orgasm

Other people have orgasms can look more like a single, larger squeeze — like a volcano erupting.

Volcano Orgasm

People have used the Lioness Vibrator and app like a sex diary to try new things, track how health affects their pleasure, and experiment with how different substances (like alcohol, cannabis, or CBD) can change the experience.

Lioness regular masturbation session graph - no weed lubeLioness Foria masturbation session graph - with weed lube

Little things can make a huge difference in your experience.

All of these things can affect you a LOT, but not everything is obvious because it can be hard to track nuances, especially over time.

This sort of "sex diary tracking" is similar to what sex therapists recommend for improving your sex life. However, tracking can be difficult because it's hard to notice things in the moment during an activity like sex. Lioness can help track nuances that might be hard to notice in the moment (since you want to focus on having a good time instead).

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