Sex Guides
Tumblr just announced that they would be removing all adult content from their site, presenting their announcement with the title “A better, more positive Tumblr”. Along with YouTube, Google, Facebook, and other major content providers, the internet is becoming more polarized about sex. It’s either completely wiping away anything sexual or throwing anything sexual over the wall into “adult content” (i.e. pornography) with no room in between. What are the implications of this?
- by Liz Klinger
- 6 min read
I’ve lived with roommates for almost 10 years of my life. This means when I’m trying to have some fun solo-time, I need quiet vibrators that won't wake up my entire house and kill me of embarrassment. Finding quiet, silent vibrators are especially difficult if you’re shopping online because all you have to go by are pictures. Well, I totally know the feeling and I want to help you!
- by Anna Lee
- 4 min read