The best sex shops you must visit at least once in your lifetime

We searched around for some of the most interesting and unique adult shops in the world, and we found them! Be sure to add them to your Tripadvisor lists. Maybe one of them is near you...!

These aren’t simply stores to buy your next sex toy, they are bonafide shopping experiences that will give you memories for a lifetime. If you have a sex toy shop that you think should be on this list, let us know!

M's Akihabara Tokyo Japan


Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan

This 7-floor shop is arguably one of the largest sex toy stores in the world. Only 6 floors are open to the public — apparently, the 7th floor is only open to those “in the know” (whatever that means).

According to visitors of this shop, on each level the walls are filled from the floor to ceiling with products, and even the aisles are narrow to maximize on product selection. According to the store's PR representative, on an average weekday, they get at least 1000 visitors per day and 1500+ on weekends.

M's online shop
Video walkthrough of the shop


Good Vibes Vibrator Museum San Francisco CA USA

Good Vibrations Antique Vibrator Museum

Polk Street, San Francisco, CA, USA

Good Vibrations is a staple in the Bay Area, California and Boston, Massachusetts, and are some of the pioneers behind shops that promote sex-positive education alongside their wares. Their Polk Street store in San Francisco is also home to the Antique Sex Toy Museum, a free museum where you can learn more about how our ancestors got off. In addition, every third Sunday of the month at 3pm, Carol Queen, Ph.D. and staff sexologist, gives a free guided tour of the Vibrator Museum, which I highly recommend checking out! (don’t forget to register in advance!)

Antique Vibrator Museum's Website
Interview with Carol Queen, Ph.D.


Liberator Atlanta GA USA

Liberator's Flagship Store

Atlanta, GA, USA

One of the few shops where you can try before you buy… kind of (for real, please don’t it was a joke). Liberator is one of the biggest sellers of sex furniture. At least in the US, most stores are small and/or strapped for inventory space, so they mostly won’t carry sex furniture. Here, you can check out every single piece Liberator makes, which is pretty cool! Their headquarters is in Atlanta, and you can visit their factory store in their hometown.

Liberator Flagship Store Site


Fun Factory's Flagship Store

Berlin, Germany

Along with Liberator, Fun Factory is a company that started out making products and eventually expanded to having their own stores. Their flagship store is in Berlin (with another in Munich), and here, you can dabble in all things Fun Factory. They make nearly every single gadget and gizmo you can think of in an array of colors, so it's a feast for the eyes and worth checking out if you're in the neighborhood.

Fun Factory Store Site


Wild One Vibe Bar Shibuya Tokyo Japan

Vibe Bar Wild One

Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

Leave it to Japan to have the most interesting, conceptual sex stores. So you can do your shopping with a drink in hand. Afterward, you can go to the Wild One shop around the corner to pick up the toy you decided to take home that night.

Vibe Bar's Site
VICE / Karley Slutever's Interview at Vibe Bar


Pleasures Huntsville AL USA

Pleasures Drive Through

Huntsville, AL, USA

Sex toy sales are still in the grey area in Alabama, but it was harder even back in 2010, when Pleasures opened up their sex Well... it was technically a drive-through, and you needed to provide a "health reason" to purchase a product. It was how they got around the archaic rules, which is pretty brilliant in my opinion. Today they’re no longer a drive-through but a normal sex shop (though Alabama is still the last state in the US to technically ban sex toy sales… ).

Pleasures Website




Museum of Sex

New York, NY, USA

This sex museum (affectionally known as MOSEX) is in a central part of New York City and contains a variety of art, interesting objects, videos, and other rotating shows throughout the year. It also has a shop and bar near the entrance (which are always well attended). Depending on your mood, you can come in to browse, learn, or enjoy a drink or two in a place with a lot of sex stuff. Or you can bounce around in the inflatable boob room. Your choice, the world is your oyster!

Museum of Sex Website
Taste of MOSEX


Tenga Akihabara Tokyo Japan

Tenga Flagship Store

Akihabara, Tokyo, Japan

Okay, Japan definitely wins in the “interesting sex toy department” since this is the third store on our list… Tenga, creators of the mini egg-shaped masturbation sleeves we’ve all come to know and love, have their own store in Tokyo. There, you can not only check out their entire product line, you can also get some Tenga swag like these t-shirts! Only people in the know will know that you’re wearing a shirt representing a masturbation sleeve company. 😉

Tenga's Store Site


Pure Romance

Pure Romance

Your Home!

Yes, your own home can become a temporary sex shop of sorts, just hire a consultant from a company like Pure Romance. The consultants bring their products, and if they’re good, games and entertainment. You supply the friends, refreshments and food, and whatever funds you’d like to use towards buying a new sex toy (or three).

Pure Romance has consultants around the world, including the United States, South Africa, Canada, Puerto Rico, New Zealand, and Australia. There are other similar in-home parties in other countries around the world.

Pure Romance Homepage
Sample of a Pure Romance Party


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Check out The Lioness!

Lioness vibrator and app

Lioness is the first and only vibrator that helps you improve your orgasms.

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Click hereto learn more.

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