What’s the deal with caffeine and orgasms?

Back in 2021, a TikTok user named @cupofalexx_official claimed coffee made their orgasms 50% more intense. Naturally, the internet exploded with personal anecdotes of caffeine powered orgasms.

In fact, our very own CEO Anna Lee downed three shots of espresso before using her Lioness just to see what her orgasm data looked like.

Photo by Marek Piwnicki: https://www.pexels.com/photo/top-view-of-a-cup-of-coffee-26558829/

Three years later, we’re still curious. Does caffeine make orgasms better? Here’s what we found:

The link between coffee and orgasms is shaky

Before we get into it, let’s get one thing crystal clear: there is not enough data or studies on caffeine and its impact on arousal or orgasm for people with vulvas to say for certain (I know, I know. Big surprise, right?)

There is, however, some scientific evidence of decaffeinated coffee drinkers with penises experiencing higher incidences of erectile dysfunction. Long story short, one study observed that “in comparing highest (≥4 cups/day) with lowest (0 cups/day) categories of decaffeinated coffee, there was a 37% increased risk of” erectile dysfunction. So if you have a penis, maybe keep drinking your caffeinated coffee? But I digress; back to vulva havers!

When it comes to coffee or caffeine and orgasms for women, there’s just no clear answer. But that doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason to try it out for yourself!

Caffeine is a vasodilator

If you’ve read our CBD blogs, then you are already familiar with this word. If you’re not, that’s okay (though we do recommend giving them a read). A vasodilator is something that opens blood vessels to improve or increase blood flow.

Hypothetically (because remember, we don’t have any studies on the subject), drinking caffeine can improve blood flow which can improve arousal and orgasm.

But there’s a catch, and you knew it, didn’t you?

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Negative side effects of caffeine can negatively impact arousal

If you’re a seasoned coffee drinker (or someone with anxiety), then you’re probably no stranger to the fine line between just enough coffee and too much.

The java jitters are real, y’all, and any increase in physical or mental anxiety can be a huge mood killer. If your heart is racing, your thoughts are on overdrive, and it’s difficult to sit still, having an orgasm may not be easy either.

Personally, this just means when I finally Sexperiment with caffeine, I’m going to start small and with my normal one cup (or just use code NEUROGASM and give Neurogum's caffeine gum and mints a try, which you can do too).

Will caffeine make your orgasm 50% stronger?

For Anna, those three shots of espresso did impact her orgasm. In fact, her baseline o-length was at all 11 seconds and her coffee orgasm landed at 21 seconds. It also made her pelvic floor contractions more tense and, as she put it, “jittery.”

Now, will this happen for you? We can’t say for certain. Caffeine can affect people in different ways, so there’s really only one way to find out. Grab your Lioness Smart Vibrator, chug some coffee, and see what happens!

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