Spicy Science Projects for Adults

When we said never measured, never improved we meant it. Sexperiments are designed to help you find what does (and doesn't) influence your orgasms and arousal. Every month, Lioness users will come together to try and see if their orgasms data changes based on specific techniques, tools, and lifestyle changes.

In other words, we're inviting you to take part in spicy science projects for adults.

1. Join our community on the latest sexperiment

2. Set your hypothesis 

3. Do "it" for science

4. Get AI-powered results on your data

Sexperiments will help Lioness users harness the power of their pleasure. 

It’s been shown that novelty is an integral element of a fulfilling sex life — but the same benefit can be extended to masturbation. So if you really want to masturbate better, try something new!

By taking part in these experiments, Lioness users will learn what makes their orgasms feel better, how to explore their body, and to view masturbation as more than just a one-off session.

Current Sexperiment of the Month


February: Mutual Masturbation

New month, new Sexperiment!

Ready to Do it for Science?

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Lioness Smart Vibrator
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Sexperiment Results: Does mindful masturbation make orgasms better?
Jan 31, 2025

Sexperiment Results: Does mindful masturbation make orgasms better?

Practicing mindfulness is said to decrease anxiety, increase joy, and help us live in the moment. So what happens when you add mindfulness to your masturbation?

Here’s what the Lioness community found out during their mindful masturbation sexperiment:

A Quick review of the Lioness community poll & hypotheses 

To kick this Sexperiment off, each participant was asked if they practice mindful masturbation. They were then asked to hypothesize how giving it a try would affect their orgasms. 

Community Poll: How often do you practice mindful masturbation?

Based on poll responses, mindful masturbation isn’t a very popular ritual amongst Lioness users! That’s not to say they’re not doing it all, though. 

poll showing only 6% of sexperiement participants practice mindful masturbation often

While only 6% of participants mindfully masturbate often, 36% of participants said they do it sometimes. For a whopping 58%, this sexperiment was a completely new experience!

Hypothesis 2: How do you think mindful masturbation will affect your orgasms and arousal? 

Lioness users were given the same three choices for this hypothesis they’re given every month: Get Better, Stay the Same, or Get Worse. 

Here’s how they voted: 

poll showing 79% of sexperiement particpants hypothesized mindful masturbation would improve their orgasms

So how close was that 79% to being right (and having better orgasms)?

The Results: Mindful masturbation might equal more orgasms

Perhaps the most notable) data point from this sexperiment was the significant increase observed in multiple orgasms. Whereas only 7.9% of baseline sessions showed multiple O’s, 21.3% of mindful sessions showed the same. That’s a 13.4% increase!

sexperiment conclusion data showing an increase in sessions with multiple orgasms, 3.9 average star rating and 9 gF increase in orgasm peak strenght

Here’s a quick recap of a few other results: 

  • Average orgasm lengthdecreased during mindful sessions by 6 seconds, but the average peak force increased by 9 gF. 

  • Session rating average 3.9 stars

  • Overall average session length increased from 7 mins 43 secs to 9 mins 59 secs

The Conclusion: Mindful masturbation is worth a shot 

For Lioness users, mindful masturbation was a labor of love and better orgasms. 

Given the increase in session length, multiple orgasms, and force, it’s safe to say better Os were had when masturbation was happening intentionally and in the present moment. 


Sexperiments: Does setting the mood make orgasms better?
Jan 07, 2025

Sexperiments: Does setting the mood make orgasms better?

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, December brings with it Winter Wonderland vibes and air of coziness. So what better month to set out in search of an answer to the question: how does mood setting impact orgasms and arousal?

A Quick review of the Lioness community poll & hypotheses

At the start of December, each Sexplorer was prompted to formulate a hypothesis and vote in a poll before beginning their Sexperiment. Our questions (as always) were simple and straightforward.

Community Poll: How often do you set the mood before masturbating?

Based on poll responses, setting the mood before masturbating isn’t a very popular ritual amongst Lioness users! That’s not to say they’re not doing it all, though. 

graphs showing percentage of lioness users who set the mood for masturbation sometimes (47%), often (13%), and never (40%)

While only 13% of Sexplorers said they set the mood often and 47% said they do it sometimes, a whopping 40% shared they never engage in mood setting.

Hypothesis: How do you think setting the mood will affect your orgasms and arousal? 

Lioness users were given the same three choices for this hypothesis they’re given every month: Get Better, Stay the Same, or Get Worse.

And you know what? Not a single one said they believed mood setting would make their arousal and orgasms worse! 

pie chart showing 16% of lioness users thought mood setting would not change their orgasms and arousal and the remaining percent believed it would

The Results: Deeper Os, longer sessions, and higher ratings

On average, Lioness users rated their orgasms at a near perfect 4 out of 5 stars, and there was a general increase in peak orgasmic force with a slight decline in orgasm duration:

  • Whereas baseline sessions registered a peak force of 61 gF and minimum force of 33 gF, mood setting sessions had an average peak of 73 gF and minimum of 29 gF — deeping the peaks and valleys of orgasms
  • The average orgasm length slightly decreased from 45 seconds to 41 seconds

Our mood setting before masturbation Sexperiment also gave the following results:

  • The average time to orgasm increased to 10 minutes 31 secs (compared to 4 min 46 secs in baseline sessions)
  • Overall average session length increased to 13 min 44 seconds (compared to 7 min 40 secs in sessions without socks)

The Conclusion: Setting the mood for masturbation can make it a better experience

Look, we may just have to start using “stopping and smelling the roses” as a euphemism for masturbation at this point because the data is pretty clear. Slowing down and making time to really set the mood for your solo play appears to be worth a shot if you’re looking for deeper orgasms, longer sessions, and an overall better experience. 

Don’t miss this month’s Sexperiment! Get your Lioness and join us in January as we give mindful masturbation a try! 

mindfulness candle lit on circular table setting. photo by  Irina Rybcko on unsplash
Dec 23, 2024

A guide to mindful masturbation

Throughout the course of human history, we’ve really stumbled upon some great practices with incredible benefits. One of those practices ismindfulness — the art of being present, fully aware of the moment we’re in, and observing or taking part without judgement. 

For many people, mindfulness is a part of their spiritual or meditative practices, and for others it is a tool in their toolbox combattinganxiety

For the next few minutes, however, it’s going to be a part of our solo play exploration. Here’s everything you need to know about mindfulmasturbation

What is mindful masturbation?

Mindfulmasturbation is a practice that involves being fully present and aware of the sexual experience we’re having with ourselves. It involves making intentional choices, remaining aware of the way our body is or isn’t responding to self-pleasure, and truly witnessing the depths/heights of pleasure as they occur. 

femme presenting person sitting on a white bed with their hands stretched above their head. their eyes are closed and they appear to be taking a deep breath

Generally speaking, mindful masturbation is not guided, though using a guided audio track can help learn the skill. 

Are there any benefits to mindful masturbation?

Yes! Mindful masturbation comes with a whole host of benefits:

  • A Fulfilling Sense of Self Care: Slowing down and tending to our bodies is one of the most tried-and-true forms ofself care. By incorporating mindfulness into your masturbation sessions, you’re allowing yourself to take care of your sexual needs and your physical pleasure — and relievingstress at the same time!
  • An Enhanced Understanding of What Pleases You: We receive a lot of messaging day in and day out about what should and shouldn’t turn us on. Many times, this information is heteronormative, male-centered, and (let’s be honest) just not it. Mindful masturbation opens up the opportunity for you to explore what reactions your mind and body have to various types of stimulation — both mental and physical.
  • Better Orgasms: When we’re in the moment of pleasure and focused on what’s happening inside our mind and body, our experience of it improves. Mindful masturbation leads to mindfulorgasms — and what better way is there to experience peak pleasure than fully and as it’s happening? 

How to try mindful masturbation

Whether you’re looking for increased self-awareness,better orgasms, or an enhanced soloplay experience, here’s how to try mindful masturbation: 

femme presenting person sitting in front of a couch. their eyes are closed and they appear to be meditative or deep breathing.

Step 1: Set the mood 

Setting the mood for masturbation is a great way to get yourself in the right head space for mindful masturbation. Create an atmosphere that feels sensual, self-love focused, and conducive to paying attention to your own body. 

Step 2: Lie down and be in the present moment

Before you start touching yourself sexually, it’s important to make sure you’re fully present. Lying down and taking a fewdeep breaths while you bring your awareness to your body as it is can help make mindful masturbation more accessible. 

Step 3: Start exploring your body

Begin by touching yourself in ways that feel good, especially if they turn you on. Linger onsensations that bring you pleasure without speeding things up or progressing to more. Simply note what feels good and keep doing that until it doesn’t or you want to move on to more/other sensations. 

Step 4: Focus on elongating the experience, not having an orgasm 

Don’tedge yourself orstop your orgasms, but don’t focus on having one either. Mindful masturbation requires us to surrender to the experience of soloplay as it happens, not as we want it to happen. Enjoy your pleasure and don’t worry about when, if, or how an ending will occur. 

Step 5: If orgasm happens, let yourself stay present 

If you happen to orgasm while mindfully masturbating, really let yourself be aware of the experience. Observe how it feels in your body, where your mind goes, etc, and do the same once theorgasm is done. Stay in your body and usher yourself out of the your solo session slowly and intentionally. 

Mindful masturbation makes you a better Sexplorer 

Learning how to masturbate mindfully can no doubt bring the benefits we already discussed (as well as a few others!). It’s a great way to delve into your soloplay and get every single moment of pleasure out of it. 

Mindful masturbation can also make it easier toexperiment and explore if and when the mood to try something new strikes. Being present while we give something new a try allows us to note what’s working, what’s not, and compare it to our typical experiences. 

Masturbate mindfully with the Lioness Smart Vibrator

lioness smart vibrator

See the difference being in the moment makes with the Lioness Smart Vibrator — the only vibe that let's you see what impacts your pleasure over time. 

Mind your masturbation and improve your pleasure with. 


How to set the mood for masturbation
Dec 02, 2024

How to set the mood for masturbation

"Baby lock the door and turn the lights down low"….for yourself! Sure, partnered sex and romance are great, but when was the last time you considered doing it for yourself?

Creating an ambiance for your solo sex can elevate your experience, increase arousal, and maybe even lead to better orgasms. Here’s how to do it:

Lights, candles…action! Create a solo sex sanctuary

Chances are you masturbate in a lot of the same places; your bedroom, your shower, your living room when no one else is home (yeah, you’re not the only one who does that!). And the more you frequent these regular spots, the more they can fade into the background and become less of a sensual environment and more of just a routine. 

In the same vein, maybe you avoid some of these places because you can only see them for what they are: a place where your laundry needs to get picked up, a place where people use the toilet and brush their teeth, or the room where everyone in the house leaves all their crap out in a perpetual mess (we see you, moms). 

Photo by Photo By:

Regardless of how you’re currently feeling about these spaces, transforming them from lived-in environments to solo sex sanctuaries can go a long way for setting the mood. Each of the following can heighten your masturbation experience:

  • Lighting: Dim your lights, use soft, warm bulbs, or get spicy with some red or orange lighting from color changing bulbs. Candles are another effective choice, if you’re into them.
  • Aroma: Diffusing oils like lavender or sandalwood can help create a sensual, soothing atmosphere (as can scented candles). Just go with a scent that works for you.
  • Declutter/Clean Up: If you masturbate with your eyes closed, this may be less effective but for those eyes-wide-open orgasms, consider clearing your space so you’re not visually disrupted before or during masturbation.

Tune into something that turns you on

Music is often considered a go-to mood-setter — and with good reason! What other element helps set the mood for movies, tv, and date nights better?

When it comes to setting the mood for masturbating, consider curating a Pleasure Playlist.  Whether you’re solo sex vibe is sultry, playful, or reflective, pick songs that make you feel good and feel yourself. 

If music is too distracting, sound can still be a mood setter for you! Consider using nature sounds, instrumental tracks, or guided sexual visualizations to create an atmosphere that works for you. 

Relax before you climax

Being able to dim the lights, light a candle, and throw on a playlist before jumping right into masturbation can feel difficult if you’re particularly busy or stressed. So if you’ve ever gone to touch yourself and found it impossible to get fully into it or reach the big O, this tip is going to really take you far. 

Photo by Taryn Elliott:

Before you masturbate, spend some time doing something relaxing and restorative. If you like to read, read. If you like to meditate, do that. If you want to just sit and eat a snack while you listen to the soothing sound of silence in a warm bath, soak for as long as you need! (A nice long bath is actually Lioness co-founder Anna’s top advice for relaxing before you masturbate!)
Reducing stress before spending time masturbating is never a bad idea and can only work in your favor. 

Wine & dine yourself before you touch yourself

No one ever said romance, foreplay, and creating a sensual atmosphere have to be for partnered sex. By taking the time to set the mood for yourself, you’re creating an environment with the potential to lead to more sexual satisfaction, better orgasms, and a deeper connection to your sexual self. 

And if you’ve got a Lioness Smart Vibrator already, you can see the fruits of your labors when you join December 2024’s Sexperiment. All month long, we’ll be setting the mood for ourselves to ultimately find out how it improves our pleasure. 

Be smart: set the mood with Lioness

lioness smart vibrator

Take the guesswork out of self-care and pleasure.

With the Lioness Smart Vibrator, you can see how your mood-setting rituals impact your pleasure over time. 

Track your orgasms and elevate your solo sex to new heights.

Try the Lioness Smart Vibrator today—because your pleasure deserves precision.


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