Sexperiment Results: Does mindful masturbation make orgasms better?

Practicing mindfulness is said to decrease anxiety, increase joy, and help us live in the moment. So what happens when you add mindfulness to your masturbation?

Here’s what the Lioness community found out during their mindful masturbation sexperiment:

A Quick review of the Lioness community poll & hypotheses 

To kick this Sexperiment off, each participant was asked if they practice mindful masturbation. They were then asked to hypothesize how giving it a try would affect their orgasms. 

Community Poll: How often do you practice mindful masturbation?

Based on poll responses, mindful masturbation isn’t a very popular ritual amongst Lioness users! That’s not to say they’re not doing it all, though. 

poll showing only 6% of sexperiement participants practice mindful masturbation often

While only 6% of participants mindfully masturbate often, 36% of participants said they do it sometimes. For a whopping 58%, this sexperiment was a completely new experience!

Hypothesis 2: How do you think mindful masturbation will affect your orgasms and arousal? 

Lioness users were given the same three choices for this hypothesis they’re given every month: Get Better, Stay the Same, or Get Worse. 

Here’s how they voted: 

poll showing 79% of sexperiement particpants hypothesized mindful masturbation would improve their orgasms

So how close was that 79% to being right (and having better orgasms)?

The Results: Mindful masturbation might equal more orgasms

Perhaps the most notable) data point from this sexperiment was the significant increase observed in multiple orgasms. Whereas only 7.9% of baseline sessions showed multiple O’s, 21.3% of mindful sessions showed the same. That’s a 13.4% increase!

sexperiment conclusion data showing an increase in sessions with multiple orgasms, 3.9 average star rating and 9 gF increase in orgasm peak strenght

Here’s a quick recap of a few other results: 

  • Average orgasm lengthdecreased during mindful sessions by 6 seconds, but the average peak force increased by 9 gF. 

  • Session rating average 3.9 stars

  • Overall average session length increased from 7 mins 43 secs to 9 mins 59 secs

The Conclusion: Mindful masturbation is worth a shot 

For Lioness users, mindful masturbation was a labor of love and better orgasms. 

Given the increase in session length, multiple orgasms, and force, it’s safe to say better Os were had when masturbation was happening intentionally and in the present moment. 


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