Update: Someone tried using Lioness both anally and vaginally and wrote about the experience. Curious to see the data? Click here to read more!
In our time developing Lioness, we’ve had a number of interested folks ask if they can use Lioness the same way they’d use a butt plug, and if so, how they would use Lioness as a butt plug.
The short answer is... yes! Butts rejoice! Because the Lioness is a rabbit style vibrator, the external stimulator can act as a stopper/flanged base to makes it safe for anal play.
The technology and the steps are essentially the same as using the Lioness vaginally — we’ll give you the lowdown below:
Everybody Can Track Their Orgasms
Lioness’ software and unique sensor technology works the same way whether you use the Lioness for vaginal or anal stimulation. It’s tracking pelvic floor patterns, temperature, and movements and angles, which can give you a visualization of your arousal and orgasm. Whether you identify as a man, woman, trans, or nonbinary individual, everybody has an orgasm pattern (a rhythmic pelvic floor movement) when they have an orgasm.
You can use this information like a sex diary to understand how factors like alcohol, stress, medication, and even injuries affect your pleasure. People who have the Lioness have used it in a variety of ways — from using it to track and improve their own sexual satisfaction to experimenting with new techniques and incorporating what they learn for solo-play and partner play.
The main difference in the software between using Lioness vaginally or anally is that the pelvic floor data will look stronger when using it from behind. This is because the muscles such as the sphincter are stronger than the muscles around the vagina, but the patterns and what you’d be looking for would be essentially the same no matter how you use Lioness.
How To Use Lioness Like A Butt Plug
Now to the logistics of how to use Lioness like a butt plug. If this is your first time using a product for anal play, we recommend using a finger or trying a small butt plug first before trying the Lioness, since then you can get a sense of whether you like the sensation in general first before trying other toys. We've written a great guide for using a butt plug for the first time. Like with other toys, we recommend getting a product made of nonpourous, body safe materials from a reputable source, since you don’t want to absorb bad chemicals into your body. Your butt is important, so take good care of it!
Just like with any butt plug, handle with care when using Lioness anally. If something feels uncomfortable or doesn’t feel right, don’t push yourself because you can tear tissue and injure yourself. Use copious amounts of lube—probably more than if one were to use a toy vaginally—since unlike the vagina, the anus does not produce its own moisture, so make sure you have a good water-based lubricant and don’t be afraid to use a lot of it. This same advice of having and using plenty of lube goes for using Lioness (or any toy) vaginally, but is especially important for anal play. I can’t overemphasize that. Get lube. It does a body good.
Compared to other butt plugs, the Lioness is more rigid in part because of the sensor setup, so if you find that you prefer something more flexible the Lioness may not be the best choice. In terms of size and dimension the Lioness is a lot smaller than most vibrators on the market, so depending on your preferences you can get a sense of whether the size and form factor are right for you. You can use Lioness’ external vibration for extra stimulation or turn off the vibration entirely, using the Lioness more as a tool for measurement. Play, experiment, include a partner or do some solo-play… the options are endless!
Seeing Your Orgasms On The Lioness App
When you are done and would like to see your beautiful data, you can go to the Lioness App (available on iOS and Android) and see what happened...
Track how your pleasure changes over time, from different stimuli (alcohol and cannabis), do some orgasm control or edging, track health changes...become your best self with the power of technology. Maybe make some orgasm art. After all, knowledge is power (and pleasure, and better orgasms).
Welcome to the pride!
Onward, fellow pleasure seeker — what new things will you discover about yourself?
Want to learn more about what you like? The Lioness may be able to help!

The world’s most advanced vibrator. Precision sensors let you literally see your arousal and orgasm. Experiment, understand yourself, and have better orgasms — after all, as the saying goes, “never measured, never improved."
Click here to learn more.