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Sex Guides

In a recent article listing blow job dos and don’ts, I said there’s no step-by-step recipe to the perfect blow job and I stand by my words.

As a sex writer who spends a good portion of my time writing guides and advice pieces for better sex, I’m often conflicted because there’s never just one good way to do anything.

There are ways. Plural.

Blow jobs are no different; they can be quick and dirty, a surprise, warm-up, or foreplay. But, if you want to take it up a notch and give the crème de la crème of blow jobs—no pun intended—I recommend the following tips:
  • 4 min read

How to Give a Better Blow Job

If I could give you a step-by-step recipe to the perfect blowjob, I would, but unfortunately, there’s no such thing. Since preferences and sensitivities vary from person to person, and sometimes even from one day to the next, there’s no ‘go-to-procedure’ for all. 

Fortunately, if you’re wondering how to give a good blow job, there are a few dos and don’t that separate the bad from the good, and the good from the outstanding.

  • 4 min read

Farting is one of those things we all do, but society seems to tell us we “shouldn't” fart. If we happen to pass gas in front of other people, it can often induce embarrassment and frantic looking around, hoping nobody suspects it was us. But it's a completely natural and common occurrence to fart.

It's the same thing with vaginal farts, otherwise known as “queefing,” but these usually happen in front of a much smaller crowd. When a person queefs during sex, it can leave them mortified and negatively impact their pleasure — even if their partner(s) doesn't seem to care.

  • 3 min read

I’d never heard of ASMR before 2018, but I have several friends who swear they experience it and that watching certain videos helps them deal with their intense insomnia. One such friend went out of town with me, and late at night in our hotel room, she turned on a video of a woman whispering and watched it until she drifted off to sleep. This seemed not all that strange to me, almost like listening to a guided meditation.  

But ASMR is much more than a desire to listen to someone whispering.

  • 4 min read
Vaginal discharge is a natural part of life but it can raise a lot of questions. What exactly is vaginal discharge and what purpose does it serve? Is it the same as cervical mucus and arousal fluid? And is squirting really just pee? Let’s dive right in and explore the various types of vaginal fluids and their role in our reproductive health and sex lives. 
  • 4 min read

“It felt akin to a jackhammer ramming inside of me,” said Claire, recalling the first time she got intimate with her boyfriend Seamus. After a few dates, the two were ready to take their connection to the next level. “After some foreplay, I was wet and ready. But as soon as my pants were off, he started banging his fingers inside of me with absolutely no finesse and completely killed the mood.” Fortunately for Claire, Seamus was receptive to her feedback, and their night (and sex life) recovered. 

If you’ve ever been a Claire or a Seamus in a similar scenario, read on. These popular fingering techniques can be mastered to elevate your prowess in the bedroom and help bring on intense orgasms.  

What goes up must come down! Isaac Newton said it first, and it is true for much more than physical objects controlled by gravity.

When we reach any kind of elated and euphoric state, we're bound for an inevitable come-down, and—if we don't take care—potentially a huge crash. Most of us have at some point experienced feeling down or even depressed after a blissful or mind-blowing event, whether a party, a holiday, an exerting physical performance or something else that brings us high.

  • 4 min read

As a society, we are putting in a lot more thought when it comes to what we put in our bodies. This thought and care has made its way into the sex industry, as it should — I care about what I put in/around my genitals, don’t you?

Organic lube, in general, prides itself on being free of hormones, synthetic chemicals, and gentle to our sensitive areas. With ingredients you can actually pronounce, it is likely your body (and sex life) will appreciate the switch.

However, organic lube is still a pretty niche market, and while people may have a general feeling of what it is, it’s always good to sort fact from fiction. In that light, here’s everything you need to know about organic lube!

  • 3 min read

How did a man who set out to study wasps become known by some as the father of the sexual revolution? Blame his students.

After earning his doctorate in biology from Harvard, Alfred Charles Kinsey became a professor at Indiana University in 1920. For about two decades, he researched gall wasps. Then in 1938, he agreed to teach a new course on marriage “intended to help family conditions”...

  • 3 min read

When I first ventured into the world of BDSM, almost three years ago, I’d come crashing and burning out of a decade long abusive relationship and I was pining to explore and reclaim my personal and sexuality sovereignty.

I immediately saw the obvious irony in the situation, and joked about it myself: “Woman leaves verbally abusive relationship; finds comfort in sexual domination and spanking”. 

Why would anyone come out of an abusive relationship and seek out sexual practices that, to many, are viewed as violent? 

  • 5 min read

Taking it in the derriere is still a little taboo. However, it seems that anal sex may be on the rise! Anal sex is primarily growing in popularity with couples under age 45. A national survey from the National Health Statistics Reports found that, 36% of women and 44% of men reported that they’ve had anal sex with an opposite-sex partner.

It has been hypothesized that anal and vaginal orgasms are similar (same rhythmic pelvic floor movement, different body parts being stimulated), and with sexual exploration on the rise, it is easy to see why so many more people are keen to explore anal play.

Read on to learn tips, tricks, and what to expect if you're new to anal play!

  • 3 min read

Better orgasms, a tighter vagina, more lubrication, increased libido—many people with vaginas would leap to experience one of these benefits, and to know them all? Well, paying for that wouldn't be out of the question for some. No wonder certain doctors offer the Orgasm Shot, or O-Shot, to “rejuvenate” your vagina. But this procedure also has its critics...which maybe isn't a surprise given that you're putting a needle into the vagina and clitoris.

Learn what the science says (and doesn't say) about the O-Shot before you spread your legs for one of these injections.

  • 4 min read

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