Lioness Smart Vibrator Live View 101

Making the Most of Your Remote Control Vibrator During Solo Play

We may be biased, but the Live View Solo Play feature in your Lioness app is one of our faves! 

Developed with exploring your masturbation in real time, this remote control is chock full of features that will make harnessing the power of pleasure simple and seamless as you explore the world of smarter orgasms.

Initiating a Session

To initiate a Live View Solo Play session, open your Lioness app and head to the “Vibe Sync” tab (the one with two arrows in the shape of a circle). From there, click “Live View” and turn your Lioness Smart Vibrator. 

When your phone and vibrator are paired, click “Solo Play.” This will take you to your Live View session. 

During a Live View Session

Once you insert your Lioness Smart Vibrator, you’ll be able to see (and mark!) your data in real time. 

As your pelvic floor contracts, your phone screen will produce two visualizations: 

  1. A pulsating circle that decreases in size with pelvic contractions. The smaller the circle is, the stronger the contraction.

  2. A running graph with peaks and valleys. These peaks and valleys correspond with pelvic contractions, as well as movements of the vibrator/body. 

Live View Controls

At the bottom of your screen, you will see a circle. This is where you can control your motor settings. Tapping the button will allow you to cycle through your Lioness’s preset motor settings, and holding the button down will produce a slider, letting you control the vibration strength between 0 and 100. 

Marking Your O

As you approach climax, mark your orgasm by holding one finger down on the screen.

When you go through your post session survey, you’ll be able to easily convert that marking to an orgasm. 

After Your Live View Session

When you’re done with your Live View session and click, “End Session,” your app will take you to a two-part post-session survey. 

This is where you will rate your session using a star system, add notes, and confirm whether you had an orgasm. Some ideas for notes are: whether you used vibrations, if you were in a certain position, using a certain type of lube or other sex-aid such as porn, etc. 

Keep in mind: these surveys need to be filled out in total if you plan to use them for Sexperiments or as a baseline session

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