ByLiz Klinger, Co-founder and CEO ofLioness
Ah, weed lube. Who wouldn’t be intrigued by the promise of better orgasms?
I’ve spent the last seven years developing the Lioness Smart Vibrator, which uses biofeedback technology, precision sensors, and data to track orgasms. Of that time, I’ve spent three of those years conducting different projects studying the effects of cannabis on sexual function. Naturally, those two passions intersected into exploring how all sorts of cannabis strains and products can affect pleasure, both with myself and with different people.
That’s why I’m excited to share with you today a review of one of my favorite cannabis lubricants, Quim’s Oh Yes Latex-safe Serum. I’ll share my orgasm data to show what made this different compared to everything else I’ve tried.
Not all cannabis lubes are created equal
In my cannabis-sexplorations, I’ve noticed that not all weed lube is created equal:
- Different brands have different proportions of THC to CBD.
- Different brands use different cannabis sources for their ingredients. Some also add different blends of terpenes or other ingredients for different effects.
- Most cannabis-infused lubricants are oil-based. There aren’t many water-based cannabis lubricants — this point is particularly important if you are using the lube while using latex protection or sex toys. Especially with latex protection like condoms, oil-based lubricants can weaken and break your protection, so stick with water-based lubricants in those cases.
If you want to dive more into learning more about weed lube, you can check out my comprehensive guide here (or the CBD-only lube guide here).
So… what made Quim great?
In short... multiple orgasms. The two sessions below happened back-to-back from each other during the same session.
These charts are measuring force over time. That rhythmic pattern is the orgasm! If you’re curious to learn more about how this data and stuff all works, click here to learn more.
Now, I’ve got to say, I generally prefer a one orgasm please and thanks type of session. Multiple orgasms are not always the holy grail of pleasure for everybody. Two, three, or more orgasms, by myself or with my partner, usually have diminishing returns because they seem more and more like work and I lose interest. I’m not sure if this is because I generally have longer orgasms per session, which I’ve noticed among my Lioness group of friends, or if my attention span is too short (or maybe both), but that’s how it’s been for me most of the time. And frankly, while sex is great, I have other things to do in a day. I am running a company, after all.
Quim is one of the few products where I’ve had the experience of multiple orgasms AND I actually enjoyed it.
Granted, I had a sample of their lubricant and tried all 13mg around my vulva, clit, and inside the vagina. They had recommended starting with 5-10mg, but because the last lube I had tried from a different brand didn’t really affect me, I wanted to go the extra mile this time.
I waited the instructed 20 minutes to let things kick in (although honestly, it was kind of hard to wait after putting lube all over yourself, but this step is important!), and then I took my Lioness for a spin. I had one orgasm… it did feel extra nice. But before I put my vibrator away I felt like I wasn’t done. So, I decided to go for it again and had that second orgasm. I probably could have had a third but I called it a day and got ready for bed.
That’s when the real magic started...
2 am Saturday: Wake up, horny as hell, but too tired to do anything about it. Back to sleep.
6 am Saturday: Still horny, but I need to get about my day.
2 pm Saturday: Still feel pretty interested. My partner is quite happy about this.
9 am Sunday: STILL feel pretty interested. My partner is also quite happy to partake.
Quim was the gift that kept on giving. It not only affected my interest in having multiple orgasms, but it also affected my sexual arousal all weekend. Fortunately, this all happened on a slow weekend when not much was going on. It would have been extremely frustrating to use this when I couldn’t act on my desires.
Where can I try this? Asking for a friend.
If you’re interested in seeing how this affects you, you can get Quim’s THC-infused lubricants if you’re in California at your local dispensary. If you’re outside of California or just prefer a non-cannabis lube, you can try their CBD-only versions by purchasing them online via their website.
See how weed lube (and more!) affects your orgasms with the Lioness Smart Vibrator...
The Lioness Smart Vibrator

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