Sex Guides

Before you scoot your boot into the sack and go bottoms up, we’ve put together a quick guide to having anal sex.
Read more for everything from homemade dildos and vibrators, to DIY BDSM sex toys, sex furniture, and more. Warning: Your house may start feeling a little kinky the more you read.

As someone who creates smart sex toys for a living, I look at a lot of different sex toys for my job.

Ok, I don’t just do it for my job. I also do it for fun. After all, why would I be in this business otherwise if I didn’t find other sex toys interesting?

When it comes to shopping for sex toys, sometimes you don’t see quite what you want in the sex shops. You might want something colorful or just plain different.

Let me introduce you to custom made dildos. Many artisans and small teams create them, and I’m going to tell you about what’s out there and some of my favorites. 

A Swedish proverb says thatshared joy is double joy, and that is certainly true for mutual masturbation. Whether you make it foreplay in close contact or the main course with long-distance partners, add a sex toy or two, explore kink and other role-play scenarios, it’s a versatile act with the potential to be so much more than a quick, side-by-side wank.
Orgasms before breakfast? Hell yes. Plus, morning sex has added benefits like an extra boost of confidence and glowy orgasm-kissed skin throughout the day, just to name a few.
The best things in life come in threes: Charlie’s Angels, Destiny’s Child, Hogwarts’ iconic wizarding trio, Hermione, Ron and Harry, and now… you, your partner, and a sultry third.

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